
indoor pollution control

In the whole process of home decoration indoor pollution control
Previous: air quality precontrol mainly
For most families, the mainest material of indoor pollution is ---- formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is the important part of adhesive, so everything that relates to adhesive,plastic bag manufacturer including man-made board, paint, carpet, furniture will contain formaldehyde exceed the standard, if the individual will necessarily cause the air quality standards. It is also noteworthy, even if each of the products are in the range, if the room in the building materials containing formaldehyde add up too much, it is easy to cause the air quality standard, so owners in the decoration project of time, should be grasped, try not to get too complicated.

Current state of the harmful substances have the strict limit, building materials" ten standard limit of harmful substances" constraint, and the decoration," 2005 Jiezhuang contract" have qualified as part of the evaluation of indoor air quality is qualified as part of the renovation, to ensure that the owners of the health benefits.

Late: environmental control products with caution
" China indoor environment pollution control systems engineering " of the indoor environment pollution investigation data shows, China indoor environment pollution problem is very prominent," 2004 November, national indoor environmental pollution control office" office furniture was established in Beijing. It is guiding the national indoor environmental pollution control of the professional bodies, management of indoor environmental pollution, indoor air purification and to guide and standardize the management of products.

According to the Chinese interior decoration Association indoor environment monitoring center director Song Guangsheng, currently on the market of environmental governance products reach the hundreds, and most of them are speculation, true to its commitment to action very little.pearl jewelry As a result of these control products of pharmacologically different, there is no relevant standards, consumers in the purchase when you can view the inspection report, test report for most no products, consumers in the purchase will be especially careful, it is best not to buy.

