
Yellow Lens

Lens color types and characteristics

(1) grey: Grey Lenses on any chromatographic all balanced absorption, so watch the scenery will darken, but does not have obvious color difference, show the real natural feeling. Belongs to a neutral color.

(2): tinted lens filter out a lot of blue light, can improve the visual contrast and sharpness, in air pollution severely or foggy condition wear better. General can get a smooth and shiny surface reflected light, wearing glasses can still see details, is the ideal choice for driver.

(3): green lens in the absorption of light at the same time, utmost land increases,contact plastic bag supplier reaching the eye green light, so there is a cool and comfortable feeling, suitable for the use of eye fatigue.

(4) blue and gray: gray lens lenses and similar, belong to the same neutral lens, but the color is deeper, the visible light absorption rate higher.

(5): Mercury lens surface of the lens using high density mirror coating. More such lens absorb reflected visible light, suitable for outdoor sports professionals.

(6) the Yellow Lens: strictly speaking, these lenses do not belong to the sun lens, because of its almost no reduction in visible light, but in foggy and dusk, yellow lens can enhance the contrast, provide more accurate video, it is also known as the night vision goggles. Some young people wearing yellow lens" Sunglasses" used for decoration.

(7) light blue, pale pink and other lens : the same is a decorative than practical lens.

(8) dark green lens: to absorb heat, bring cool feeling, but the light transmittance and a lower resolution, for the sun wear, while driving should not wear.

(9) blue lens: seaside beach can wear sunglasses blue lens, can effectively filter out blue sea and sky reflection light blue. Drivers should avoid the use of blue lens, because it will make us undistinguishable traffic signal color.

