
white hair

The views of Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine think teenagers premature white hair, often think of because of sadness, heat content, development raises a. Treat heat of appropriate cool, nourishing the liver and the kidney, Fang Xuan longevity to sesame balls, UFA pill cd. Medicinal raw Radix Angelica dahurica in various 150g, 100g, 80g, 200g of glossy privet fruit mulberry, 200g 200g, Herba ecliptae. Grind in all delicate last stage, honey pills, each pill 10g, 3 times daily, 1 pills each time.
2 medicine thinks, this disease is mainly due to liver and kidney deficiency, blood loss induced by. Congenital little bald more with genetic factors,johnson baby shampoo is not easy to treatment; then the little bald nature, in addition to the cause of treatment, but also should strengthen the nutrition. Experimental results show that, the lack of proteins and a high degree of malnutrition is white-haired etiology. Dietary deficiency of trace elements copper, cobalt, iron, can also lead to hair.
3 in addition to many diseases may be associated with presenile poliosis occurred, such as pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease ( myocardial infarction, atrioventricular bundle block, hypertension), dystrophic myotonia, vitiligo and Vogt - Koyanagi 's syndrome. In addition, the human mental status changes, such as long-term unhappy, is excessive or excessive emotional tension, fear will often causes hair to bleach quickly. The diseases and nutrition and mental factors will make strength, deadly gas, gas three loses balance, so that the hair damage, this is our words often say " hurt vitality". The occurrence of the hair without special treatment, only to find the cause and eradicate, can effect a radical cure.
Ze Wu Tang: clearing away heat and cooling blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing hair,JOHNSON Shampoo white hair is preferred for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine! Bamboo forest temple medicine that "hair is more than blood", the hair growth from blood in the barn. Wang Qi and blood, hair growth is normal. Qi and blood are not decline, Rong head of white hair.
Method of ginseng tonic vitality, Fumai originallies, strengthening spleen and lung, and soothe the nerves, puzzle, nourishing Tibetan Fu, Rong Qi and blood, hair wing hair; Angelica Huoxue Tiaojing, relieving pain, promoting blood circulation of Qi, Zhuyu new; Polygonum multiflorum and nourishing liver and kidney, beneficial essencehematic, cut malaria, detoxification, and blood gas black mustache, temples, Yuet color. Long wear long bones, benefit the essence, prolong the life of old main, deficiency of the kidney essence of Morinda officinalis how hair loss; Tonifying Kidney Yang, Qufeng desiccant.
The essence of kidney and bone, salty division,L-Carnitine hair person big help; Cistanche Yijing blood, kidney yang, laxative, raising the five, negative, Yi love gas; gastrodin endogenous wind Zhijing, repress the liver, expelling wind, Qi Nourishing Yin, blood circulation, strong gluten; Tu son of Yang and nourishing Yin, Tim lean pulp, Mingmu antidiarrheal, raising muscle, solid, strong female, Kennedy bones; black sesame blood tonic, Runzao slippery bowel, beneficial blood, hair beauty muscle.

