
Tang Dynasty

Enough sleep

The reason of Tang Dynasty: a medical scientist Sun Simiao said:" not clear night to early winter, offend Hanwei." Early to bed, in order to raise Yang, Chi Qi to fix the Yin essence. There is a saying: Chunkun autumn lack summer nap, sleep not to wake the winter sa.golden south sea pearl
Chinese pay attention to spring Xia Chang autumn, winter is a season of recuperate and build up energy.
Methods: Winter regimen to ensure adequate sleep, so beneficial to yang-qi hidden, Yin Jin accumulation; after the beginning of winter." Remember living support tibet".

Reason: Winter belongs to" shut Tibet" season, in the Chinese medicine kidney governing reservoir, that is to say winter is the season of nourishing kidney. Winter by tonic, kidneys, can make kidney" refined" more filling, can make the next body better, less disease, which is traditional Chinese medicine treat not ill thought.
Methods: Winter regimen to scientific jinbu. Yang slants weak people, mutton, dog, chicken. Qi double deficit person, goose, duck, chicken and other available.wireless keyboards
Should not eat cold hot, medlar, red jujube, selection of fungus, black sesame, walnut meat. Medicine must be prescribed by a doctor, a law. The tonic, as the stomach a process of adaptation, the best first choice of red dates, peanuts braised beef with brown sugar, also can cook some ginger jujube beef soup, to adjust the function of the spleen and stomach.
The retaining pin

Reason: folk has a saying," cold from the sole life". Because the foot of human body the most distal, fat thin, warm ability is poor, but Chinese medicine foot acupoint and visceral closely, if foot cold can cause colds, abdominal pain, leg pain, dysmenorrhea and other disorders, so pay attention to foot warm cold. Foot health or fitness in winter.
Methods: a day with warm water wash, preferably at the same time massage and stimulate the foot acupoint. Day walk for half an hour or more, movable feet. To rub, sooner or later, to promote blood circulation.

Drink tea
Reason: the winter the benefits of drinking tea tea can be refreshing Xingnao, uplifting, enhance memory. The central nervous excitement, increased exercise capacity. Stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, help digestion, increase appetite, eliminate bad breath. Production House To eliminate fatigue, promote the new supersedes the old. Tea contains the human body needs a variety of vitamins and trace elements, especially green tea can be anti-cancer anti-cancer, of the body play a good role in health care, long engaged in the rental computer working people should be more often drink tea.
Methods: winter tea to tea for the top grade. Tea warming, can raise the body Yang; black tea is rich in protein and sugar, heat warming abdominal, enhance the body's resistance to the cold, can help digestion, greasy.
Hot porridge

Reason: Winter regimen morning suit thermal congee, dinner to go on a diet, in order to raise. In cold weather, get up early in the morning to drink a bowl of porridge, can help warm cold to increase physical capacity, can prevent a cold catch a cold. For the throat discomfort, inflammation, pain, warm porridge juice moisten throat, effectively alleviate the discomfort.
Methods: glutinous rice porridge jujube, eight-treasure porridge, porridge and other small best. Also can eat tranquilizing mind longan porridge, porridge, chrysanthemum clear fire curing gastric and intestinal carp gruel, Jianpi Yangwei of Poria porridge, Yi Jing Yin sesame porridge, Yin Gujing of walnut porridge, supplementing qi and nourishing yin to the jujube porridge, lungs Ikitsu Tremella porridge and digestion phlegm radish porridge.

Ventilation window
Reason: the winter home usually closed, resulting in indoor air circulation, people always in this space to breathe will lead to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, lack of oxygen, the body will be dizziness, chest tightness, so more ventilation.
Methods: should every morning, noon and in the evening the ventilation window 20 minutes, maintain indoor air fresh. Experiments show that, every breath again, can remove 60% of indoor air of harmful gases. In addition, must maintain proper indoor temperature, avoid indoor and outdoor temperature difference is too large, the general indoor should control in 16-22 C for good.

