
commerce confusion

The development of electronic commerce confusion
Sell OR brand
For now the electronic commerce enterprise, many enterprises are still in the stage of goods, brand consciousness at this stage is not significant, although some public familiar with the brand,Email Marketing but the brand loyalty of the consumer is based on the parity on the basis of. Both the VANCL and Mcglaughlin are in the low price for the market share.
In 2010 29 yuan to 2010 VANCL T-shirt VANCL become" civilian fashion", now Mcglaughlin has also launched a $29 T-shirt promotional activities, and in 29 yuan pricing similar T-shirt, this probably means that the clothing B2C also prepares to follow Beijing East and Dangdang, staged a price war. According to Mcglaughlin insiders, price low basic can attract more new customers to purchase, to promote these basic models, Mcglaughlin for each style, with several models, dozens of different collocation, dozens of pictures to show, and strive to make each basic, are indispensable with San goods.
But no matter how rendering calls, price war has become a new round of clothing 's brand competition means. The line of clothing brand to enter the business platform of enterprises, is undoubtedly a blow.
Line brand in the development process of 30 years of accumulation, more is in the accumulation of brand value, brand and the value of the direct embodiment is the brand value and brand premium. Let these online work nearly 30 years to accumulate their own brand value-added brands to line up on the line of price war, under the brand is similar to that of the behavior, the road to them is impossible.
Analysis has been confounded the traditional lines of clothing brand line,iPhone Application development it is the line of price and channel conflict, as well as the brand value of the hedging problem.
Today's e-commerce brand most continues explosion mode, while the line clothing company has started to enter the cumulative brand gold stage, how to make the electronic commerce this dynamic model for brand service? A line is the key problem of clothing brand.

