
media reports

As the investor of mahogany furniture, mahogany furniture should not only concern the materials used, production technology and quality, more attention should be paid to the trend of capital. No doubt, the production of mahogany furniture raw materials mahogany species with growth cycle period is long, the scarcity of resources. At present the domestic precious hardwood resources depleted,office furniture Redwood raw materials mainly rely on imports, the main international rosewood origin in Southeast Asia and African mahogany protection is strengthened ceaselessly, have started to limit the export of rosewood logging and long-term trend, its price is bullish.

 But in recent years, the mahogany furniture trend more confirms the power of capital, along the way are full of speculation. A large number of Zhejiang, Fujian 's capital gold scale into the mahogany market, acquisition of a large number of hoarding of rare wood, leading to Vietnam Huanghua pear, pear and so on in Hainan rose almost crazy, has been out of the wood itself price. From 2006 until now mahogany furniture overall increase at 5 to 6 times.

Once the mahogany furniture paste investment label, have the characteristics of investment goods, speculators to push the mahogany furniture no and, operational concepts, hoarding and profiteering, speculate on the stock market, boost shipments, various speculative approach turns into, but speculation in higher or more miserable, always rose mahogany furniture is only a myth. After nearly four years of continued to rise, mahogany furniture has experienced from the treasure to the collection, from collection to investment, from investment to speculation, until finally in the crazy speculation, in 2011 finally burst.
Crazy capital pushed up the price of mahogany furniture mahogany, the price is like a roller coaster staged a thrilling drama, crazy prices led to the imported mahogany supply increased dramatically, attract more capital into the wood processing industry, but the market sales did not increase. Affected by the global financial crisis and the domestic consumption is expected to decline the influence of stagflation, mahogany price trend, and then sweep depreciate agitation, a lot of mahogany furniture shop playing descending price promotions banner. Even so, mahogany furniture is often a deserted house.

Mahogany furniture, suffer concussion the biggest is the low-end products, is now in the won't sell state. High-end products still managed to maintain a turnover,plastic bag manufacturer the face of mahogany furniture changes, investment risk begins to show, some having foresight investors have started large-scale evacuation, slow withdrawal of capital into a difficult situation. According to forecasting, trapped mahogany investors in 3-5 years cannot release, 2012 will have half the businesses fail to mahogany. Mahogany furniture industry finally feel cold in winter, as investors realized the mahogany furniture mahogany furniture market altitude deeply cold feeling.
In fact, fry mahogany furniture with previous episodes of fried bean, fried garlic is nature is the same, there is no technical content of the speculation, is capital operating behind the scenes. Either the mahogany furniture foam or before the occurrence of the Pu'er bubble, as long as the bubble will have gone, the ultimate victims not only investors, and the integrity of the industry and consumers reliability, this will cause the industry term cachexia. For the long-term development of the industry, from quality inspection, supervision and other aspects of price trade legislation, only the industry clear rules, speculators can have power, industry the chaos can be eliminated.

Mahogany furniture mythology is by capital building, mahogany furniture myth undone by capital retreat is triggered, a mature industry is not required for manufacturing foam,pearl jewelry a rational investor is not like bubble, but not involved in the production of foam. On the advice of mahogany furniture mahogany collector, investment opportunities, but not blindly follow the trend, mahogany furniture on the collection, rather than speculation.

 If you are a real amateur and user, may according to their own interest to purchase the appropriate and rosewood furniture collections, if you put the mahogany furniture as investment behavior, it should alert the investment risk of mahogany furniture mahogany furniture, investment cost is high, recycling channels are limited, now slowly, if mishandled or slightly improper operation, it is easy to fall into predicament.

