
abdominal pain

The female is always a beautiful landscape, but they are in the special physiological period also need special care. At this time, Chinese herbal medicine can often play a certain role, help a lot.

Angelica, barley for adolescence

Puberty female common problems are irregular menstruation and gynecological disease. Because of the uterus just started to grow, function is not stable.

Plus in the course of learning, mental stress, the living environment changes, there is not the law of life, it is easy to lead to irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea grow in quantity.

Angelica menstruation pain, blood blood circulation, research findings, angelica can also promote the secretion of estrogen, reduce vascular resistance, increased circulating blood volume, nutrition skin. Such as qi stagnation and blood stasis dysmenorrhea, menstrual wrong, compatible Cyperus, bupleurum, chuanxiong, promoting qi and Activating Blood Decoction on medicine. Such as the deficiency of Qi and blood, menstrual volume polychromatic light, palpitations, shortness of breath compatible, dangshen, Baizhu, roast Astragalus membranaceus Qi drug decoction. Proprietary Chinese medicines or selection of Guipi pills.

Down by spleen deficiency caused by abnormalities in general. Common off white or yellowish, high viscosity, no odor, and remain unbroken, pale white or yellow, limbs, not temperature, weary feed little. Choice of invigorating the spleen to drug coix seed, Atractylodes, compatibility, Atractylodes, tuckahoe, yam spleen dampness medicine fried with water. Or choose medicine Shenlingbaizhu powder ( tablets, granules ), Wuji Baifeng pills in treatment of.

Postpartum use of Ejiao, motherwort

Postpartum women for childbirth producing a and blood loss, leading to blood deficiency and blood stasis.

Postpartum blood deficiency and multiple manifested as dizziness, fever, stool difficulties, lack of milk, body pain, such as tetany. Gelatin for blood to share, a 15 g available with other supplement qi and blood, blood calming herbs such as dangshen 15 grams, 15 grams, red dates longan meat 20 grams of use. Attention should be added after the solution of gelatin melting by heat taking. Also can choose Lujiao Buxue granules, Ejiao Angelica mixture.

Postpartum blood stasis with abdominal pain, fever, lochiometra. Motherwort is postpartum the best medicine, take 20 grams of 15 grams, plus Salvia miltiorrhiza Angelica 15 grams, 10 grams of decoction of Rhizoma Chuanxiong. Or can choose Chinese Motherwort cream or motherwort particles.

The menopause of puerarin, saffron

Women enter menopause appears to mental and physical exhaustion, irritability and insomnia, dry skin, brown hair, menstrual disorders and other disorders, affect the life and work of. At present,mother's day in the 30-40 years old female white-collar workers, 27% of the people with different levels of early menopause. Therefore, middle-aged women in addition in the diet increase rich in estrogen foods such as soybean, bean, black rice, sweet potato, pine nuts; also available angelica, kudzu root, licorice, saffron and other traditional Chinese medicine soaked in water to drink, or added to the food, can reduce menopausal symptoms, and beauty.

German scientists also showed, angelica can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, thereby inhibiting the Black Plain generation, can cure freckles, chloasma.

Kudzu is rich in flavonoids, on estrogen has dual regulatory role, has the body, beauty, and so the efficacy of endocrine regulation. Licorice extract with estrogen-like effects, can promote epidermal growth, promote hair melanin effect, can prevent hair dry, white. Saffron has a" female protection of God " in the world, on the climacteric syndrome, menstrual irregularities, insomnia, irritability, has the very good curative effect.

Daily use of about 10 grams angelica, Radix Puerariae and licorice decoction, on behalf of the tea, can improve the symptoms of estrogen decrease. Because of liquorice sweet, and angelica, Radix Puerariae soak in water together drinking, can increase the sweetness. Take a pinch of saffron ( approximately 50 mg) water, day and night to drink a cup of. Can also be used to directly flush take root of kudzu vine powder. In addition, also desirable Angelica 10 grams minced, water simmer, put 100 grams of rice steamed cooked rice, put rice into Angelica water slow boil half an hour to soup rice porridge is a Chinese angelica. Desirable also root 30 grams, 50 grams of rice, rice wash soak one night, and kudzu vine root into the casserole, add water 1000 grams, with simmer to m open porridge thick gruel made pueraria.

