
Simple understanding

Gray scale
Gray also known as color or gray scale, the mean luminance of the degree of light and shade. The digital display technology, gray is the display color number of determinants. General gray level higher, display color more rich, the picture is more delicate, more likely in rich detail.
Gray level mainly depends on the system A / D converter. Of course system of video processing chip, memory and the transmission system to provide the corresponding digits of the support. At present domestic LED screen mainly adopts8processing system, namely the 256(28) gray scale. Simple understanding Bluetooth keyboard device is from black to white there are 256 kinds of brightness change. Using RGB tricolor can form a256x 256x 256=16777216 colours. What say normally namely16000000000000 color. International brand display mainly uses 10bit processing system, namely the1024 level grayscale, RGB can be composed of1070000000 color RGB.
Gray is decided color number of decision factors, but this is not to say that the bigger the better without limit. Because the first eye's resolution is limited, and improve system processing digits would involve system video processing, storage, transmission, scanning and so on all aspects of the changes, cost increase, price drops. In general civil or commercial products can use 8bit system, broadcast products can use a 10 bit system.
Brightness discrimination level
Brightness discrimination level refers to the human eye can distinguish images from the black to white between the brightness level. The previously mentioned some high level grayscale display, can reach level 256and level 1024. But since the human eye to luminance sensitivity is limited, and cannot completely identify these gray level. That is to say many adjacent grade gray eyes look the same. And the eye resolution each not identical. For display, eye recognition level is naturally more better, because the display image is to show. The human eye can distinguish the brightness level of display color more, mean greater space, LED Lighting modulea rich color potential is greater also. Brightness discrimination level can use special software to test, general display screen capable of up to 20 above even better grades.

